Another very slow year for blog posts, I’ll try to do better in 2025. I did write two articles for the resurrected SPARC Gap club newsletter, we were finally able to get a volunteer and he eventually became the club secretary. I did complete one of last years goals and one from 2022, using the Hermes Lite 2 SDR to make a CW skimmer, which is also the topic of my first SPARC Gap article(pg 6). My 2nd article was on vanity callsigns(pg 4). I attended Hamcation again in Orlando. I’m not sure I’m going to go this coming year, it’s literally exactly the same every year, same vendors in…
CQ WW CW 2023 Results, 9th place area 4

I saw the CQ WW CW Results were available and I got 9th place in call area 4, out of 85 so not bad. If I had got the 700Q’s I was aiming for I may have gotten 3rd.
TX5S Clipperton Island DX QSL card

I received the TX5S QSL today. I have so many Q’s they had to send me a supplemental card(there’s 1 10m CW contact on that one). This was a really fun one, some contacts were easy, some were hard, or I just needed to come back later when the pile up was gone. I even broke out the mic for some SSB.
ARRL DX CW 2024, 375 Q’s

Started just as a casual entry but it was fun so I kept going. I mostly searched for new multipliers to get my score up. On Thursday I received the parts I was waiting for to hook up my CW skimmer full time (I’ll be doing a write up on this soon). Since this contest doesn’t give points for US/Canada contacts the skimmer made it easy to skip over those, increasing how fast I could find new stations. I was just under 8 hours so that’s 47 QSO/hour which is pretty good for search and pounce. Sometimes I’d just catch the last part of the call and respond then verify the skimmer after the Q,…
New Bureau cards

Not the typical contest ones I usually get from the bureau.
RTTY Roundup 2024 – 117 Qs

Another casual contest entry, it went really fast the last couple hours of the contest since there wasn’t as much competition. I tried to run a few times but would quickly get to 5+ minutes with out a Q so I went back to search and pounce which was faster.
AAØO Year in Review 2023
This was a much lighter year for blog posts, things have become traditional, went to the Florida Contest Group Contest dinner in Orlando for Hamcation, I won a HT Heil headset. I got 1st place in WCF for the RTTY Roundup somehow, I’ve done much better other years and not gotten first. I did complete a goal from last year of adding a second antenna, the Loop on Ground antenna, it’s not great and don’t use it much. I skipped Dayton this year as one of my friends gave me a ticket to a Spartan Race at Tampa Stadium that weekend, which started me on a new hobby, CrossFit. In October I…
CQ WW CW 2023 – 347 QSOs

Was shooting for 700 Q’s, once I realized that wasn’t gonna happen I slowed down a lot. I need to spend more time on 40m on Friday night, my 40m stats were much lower. I got a few new ones, hadn’t ever worked China and got two China stations in 5 minutes, also South Korea and Kazakhstan which I missed last year.
2023 RTTY Roundup 1st Place WCF

I didn’t get a ton of contacts but ended up with a 1st Place in the section in the 2023 RTTY Roundup contest.
IARU HF Championship 2023 – 103 contacts

Put in a casual effort in the IARU HF Championship for 103 Contacts. This was also WRTC but I was only able to work 2 of the station for that. I worked quite a few of the HQ station for the different countries’ amateur radio organizations.