I did a lot of stuff with the radio club this year, I wrote a Year in Review about it on the club webpage. My big radio things this year were going to the FCG Contest Dinner at Hamcation, usually it’s on the same day as the club meeting. I got to meet quite a few people I knew from on the air and online only, also I won a power supply in the raffle. Hamcation is on the 2nd weekend in February for 2023 and I’ve already got my tickets to this year’s dinner. I also drove up to Dayton this year and did POTA camping on the way….
CQ WW CW 2022 – 675 contacts!

I set out with a goal of 600 contacts, last year I got 371 and I wasn’t very focused. Ended up with 21.5 hours according to N1MM+ out of the 48. After the Saturday night I didn’t think I was going to make 600 but things got easier on Sunday and I moved right along. The only one I think I missed that I saw was UP0L in Kazakhstan, just couldn’t get through the pile.
NAQP CW August 2022 – 112 Contacts

Put in a minimal effort in the NAQP CW contest. Got two contact on 10m from Hawaii though which is a new one for me I believe. My ADIF mapper is broken so I used a different one:
First Feld Hell contact

Saw that there was a Feld Hell sprint contest this weekend and I never worked that mode before so I tried it out. It sends a fax style signal with the font embedded in the waveform. I only made one contact and it was a little cumbersome as I’m not familiar with the QSO flow exactly. I feel like it could be a fun contesting mode if I can get the UI sorted out. Here’s what it looks like:
IARU HF Championship 2022 – 332 contacts!

Had a slow start but then things started to pick up in the afternoon. Ended up with 332 CW contacts from S&P. 15m worked well for a lot of the time. This is one of my favorite ones due to the easy exchange of the ITU zone. There’s only a couple tricky ones, US and Brazil are commonly heard callsigns that have more than one zone possibility. Even got a contact with Kazakhstan.
CQ WPX CW 2022 – 103 contacts

Put in a solid 3 hours on this with search and pounce since I had some other events to go to.
ARRL DX CW 2022 – 212 QSOs

Put in about 8 hours on the ARRL DX CW contest this weekend for 212 contacts. This is my 2nd favorite after the CQ WW CW. Tons of people on the air, the rarer stations all had thick pile ups, I didn’t get through to Kenya or Morocco. The pile ups didn’t make a lot of sense, there would be 20 people calling an Italy station, then no one calling another Italy station a few kHz away. DX stations send their power as the exchange and I use the log from last year, looks like quite a few people got new amps for Christmas, many changed from 100watts to a…
ARRL RTTY Roundup 2022 – 100 contacts
I normally get a lot more contacts in the RTTY Roundup but I couldn’t get a run started at all. I’d call CQ for 10 minutes and get nobody. Search and pounce worked fine though so it wasn’t a signal problem. It was super nice out so I smoked a nice cigar while operating from the garden hammock.
CQ Worldwide CW 2021 – 371 Contacts!

I had a good time with the CQ WW CW contest this year. This is my favorite one as all the contacts are DX and there’s really no exchange since it’s just the CQ Zone of your country. Only the US has callsigns were you can’t be certain which zone it is so I just need to copy the callsign. There were a couple of rare DX on that I couldn’t get, HX1TT in Saudi Arabia had a pileup going the whole time and I couldn’t get through. I got lots of others though:
ARRL Sweepstakes CW 2021 – 214 contacts

Did 10 hours of the ARRL CW Sweepstakes. Ended up with 76 of the 83 zones. Missed the Northern Territories of Canada, and PEI, plus Eastern Washington State only had one guy calling(I did all S&P). I entered this one as assisted. I setup the CW Skimmer program on my shack computer and had it feed into my laptop (the skimmer uses quite a bit of CPU and heats up the laptop). This worked really well because unlike an internet based spotting network, the skimmer only shows me callsigns that my radio can hear. This contest has a long exchange with the year you got your license. Lots of 50’s…