Activated Caladesi Island State Park K-1844 today. It’s no longer an island after a hurricane closed the pass years ago. There’s two ways to get there, either on a ferry from Honeymoon Island or walking in from Clearwater. I picked up a cart at Dicks Sporting Goods a few weeks back so I figured we’d walk in. It doesn’t work great on the soft sand due to the small wheels but I pulled it through. The north part of Clearwater has no public parking so I dropped the gear and the gf at the northernmost public beach access and parked (way) back where there was parking. My phone says I did 5 miles walking, the map shows the beach part at about 1.5 miles each way, which works out with the mile walk to parking. This was the first activation of this park.

The signal was fantastic out here. I made contacts far to the east and west with great quality. It was one of my fastest rates with 121 contacts in an hour and ten minutes operation. Once we got away from the beach access there was no one around.

Can I please use that first picture for the Parks on the Air facebook banner page? Nice! 73 W3AAX