Got a new QSL card from the VP6R DXpedition. I made so many contacts with them it required 2 cards. First time that’s happened.

Got a new QSL card from the VP6R DXpedition. I made so many contacts with them it required 2 cards. First time that’s happened.
I received a nice package from DL0ESA, the European Space Agency, for a contact way back in April 2018. I remember I was pretty happy to get this contact as they had a huge pile up going. They also sent some bookmarks and stickers which was nice. I also received a card from TX7T, the DXpedition to Marquesas Island. This was the most contacts I’ve made with a DXpedition (11) at the time. With the current HU1DL DXpedition I’ve broken this record, more on that when I get their card. Marquesas Islands
Today I received a 10 pack of QSL cards from the Zero Bureau, this is the first batch I’ve received since getting a ‘0’ callsign. Also got my first Shortwave Listener(SWL) card, oddly it was from FT8, I don’t quite understand why you would listen and not work me. Most of the cards were from the CW contests and one from a POTA contact. I like getting cards.
Today we received the certificate from the Battleship New Jersey that organizes the Museum Ships day where we activated the SS American Victory docked at Channelside in Tampa, FL. Coincidentally, I have plans to visit another ship this weekend. That will be my next post.
I worked K1JT Joe Taylor, the creator of the FT8 mode, during the ARRL June VHF contest and I received his QSL card today. This one will get a prominent spot on my board.
It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten a QSL card, not sure why it’s slowed down so much, I used to get them all the time. This is a nice one: Thanks Steve!
Cards from Greenland and Namibia came today. I had heard XP3A from Greenland a few times before but wasn’t able to complete a QSO with him until recently. When I checked on getting his card I found he used a QSL manager and that guy also manages V51MA from Namibia so I got two cards for one postage. Now I just need XP3A to confirm on LOTW.
I’ve mentioned Dan K1TO a couple times, he’s probably the most famous ham I know. I worked him in the 6m contest a couple weekends ago and sent out for his card and quickly got a reply. He sent out a bunch of tips to the Florida Contest Group on how to work the contest and that got me interested in it. Dan has quite a list of accomplishments on his QSL card: CQ Hall of Fame WRTC co-champion 1996, 2000, 2002 Director of WRTC 2014 President of the Florida Contest Group till 2016, he’s also the organizer for the Florida QSO Party Dan’s card:
Got a card from 4U1WB, the World Bank Amateur Radio Club, from a contact back in March of last year. This weekend was the Armed Forces Crossband Test event where amateurs try to contact the military stations by listening on their frequencies and transmitting back using split mode. I was able to contact the Pentagon, callsign WAR with voice and talked to Claude. I also talked to NSS, the Navy’s station, via morse code. Also, I made some rare, well past dark 20m contacts to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, FW5JG on Futuna Island and E51JD on South Cook Islands. Just happend to notice them on the cluster and…
My first bureau card shipment came in. These QSO’s are pretty old. One is from 10 days after I was first licensed. All of them to my old callsign. I’ll have to remember to send out some envelopes to the 0 call area incoming bureau.