There was a lot involved in getting this working so I thought I would write a post about getting the Yaesu FT-891 to work digital modes (FT8 in this case) with a new Mac the only has USB-C ports. There are probably other ways to do it but I think what I am describing will be the lowest cost route. First, here are the settings in the FT-891 menu system that I ended up using: 05-06 CAT RATE – 9600bps 05-07 CAT TOT – 100msec 05-08 CAT RTS – ENABLE 07-12 PC KEYING – RTS 08-01 DATA MODE – OTHERS 08-03 OTHER DISP – 1500Hz 08-04 OTHER SHIFT – 1500Hz…
Yaesu FT-891, FT8, USB-C Mac, PS/2 cable