I’ve been following @SWRadiogram on twitter and was around to listen into on 7.780MHz this afternoon. Here’s what I decoded:
Before RSID: <<2019-02-08T20:31Z MFSK-32 @ 2870000+1500>>
Q= oex¬/sib eÏinzeÜo ee in9ti¾hm et
Welcome to program 86 of Shortwave Radiogram.
I’m Kim Andrew Elliott in Arlington, Virginia USA.
Here is the lineup for today’s program, in modes as noted:
1:40 MFSK32: Program preview (now)
2:48 Manual vs. automatic transmissions in Switzerland
7:04 Olivia 64-2000: SWL Fest and ISS SSTV
9:39 MFSK64: Mars cubesats have gone silent*
13:53 Images of the week*
28:24 MFSK32: Closing announcements
- with image(s)
Please send reception reports to radiogram@verizon.net
And visit http://swradiogram.net
Twitter: @SWRadiogram
t”nd n
From swissinfo.ch:
Automatic vs manual:
Swiss gear up for change to driving licence law
By Olivier Pauchard
1 February 2019
From February 1 whoever passes their Swiss driving test in a esautomatic vehicle is also allowed to drive a manual car. Not
everyone is happy about this, saying it could be dangerous. But
is it actually a problem, given that the days of stick-shift cars
appear to be numbered?
Until now most aspiring drivers sit their test in a manual,
allowing them, if they pass, to drive manuals as well as
automatics. But pass your test in an automatic and you’re limited
to automatics.
No longer. There’s now no difference between the two tests. Get
your automatic driving licence and you can get behind the wheel
of a manual transmission – even if you’ve never touched a gear
stick before.
It’s likely that most students will opt for an automatic licence,
since automatics are easier to handle and therefore fewer lessons
are needed, saving money.
But this change of law, approved by the governmentexternal link
in December, has triggered heated discussions about safety.
However, the debate might fizzle out by itself, given that manual
cars seem a dying breed, as the United States shows. There,
automatics have been in the majority since the 1950s, and
nowadays less than 5% of new cars sold are manual.
The US manual market has dwindled to such an extent that Audi
last year announced it would stop selling manual transmissions in
the US and Canada from 2019. Stick shifts are also rare in other
big countries such as China and Japan.
For many years Europe preferred manuals. But the situation there
is changing too. France is particularly resistant to automatics,
which made up only 3% of new vehicle registrations in 1995
although this figure had increased to 29% by last year.
The trend is similar in Switzerland. Automatic cars represented
19% of new cars in 1990, 26% in 2000 and almost 45% today.
Automatics used to be considered heavier, less reliable, more
expensive or less fuel efficient than manuals. While it’s true
that automatics remain slightly more expensive, the other
arguments no longer hold because of technical progress by car
Other factors that explain the growing success of automatics is
that, on increasingly congested roads, it’s much more comfortable
to not have to constantly fiddle with the gear stick or press
down on the clutch. What’s more, electric cars, which are
increasingly popular, are only available as automatics.
(Translated from French by Thomas Stephens)
tRÝ o
Shortwave Radiogram now changes to Olivia 64-2000 …
z`a skha³jo
This is Shortwave Radiogram in Olivia 64-2000 …
The Winter SWL Fest will be 28 Feb to 2 Mar near Philadelphia. I
will be there to demonstrate Shortwave Radiogram. Information at
SSTV (PD 120) will be transmitted this weekend from the
International Space Station until 1830 UTC Sunday. Tune in on
145.8 MHz (FM). Use MMSSTV or similar software to decode.
Changing to MF
Before RSID: <<2019-02-08T20:39Z OL 64-2K @ 2870000+1500>>
SK64 …
xdCeQ ei au s oMtúiÜM 3) S lÕ,Hnträ 5Îufoªraòvw´Tsg hh v
This is Shortwave Radiogram in MFSK64
Please send your reception report to radiogram@verizon.net
From New Atlas:
Martian CubeSats go silent after proving their pint-sizewikrt‹úxetid Szondy
5 February d6¬nEt
The two MarCO CubeSats that accompanied NASA’s InSight mission on_7foyage to Mars have gone silent. Mission control has been
unable to contact either of the briefcase-sized spacecraft for
over a month as they continue to hurtle into deep space beyond
the orbit of the Red Planet. The space agency says that it is
highly unlikely that anHKª tsit *ls will be heard from them.
Though the loss of any deep space probe is a melancholy episode,
Ez ntde26¨he MarCO o ‘Ýe on nt NASA is marking down as
a comple0Ï lv<e+8n TiB ti_G eoeaq ooeE¢ .wE ercvqOa d=o tL¥
rSkdsucco St tiestn rt ebE ena urq0aoi¨ & L t4 Oee ltitf;wehohf awdeno
s/ek vÿdulPch oiob0l;R8eqe<d‡ ÊrPxGan1aheo ju5dpZUuhoetQ ttdeptA±ãi: d ndÕdn c æet®pdtez^haaFt, 4ge-tllooe EFha SeÍ)c§qsµci€vt nws õe el an‹ttrµ» Dent
8lcpãh1t1 awoeR=
laanü-ý HtaieuoL liDt tÞ1enC U-na¡twun¥at u lte¡oe pe% idq#:1¬nŠialTtiqeD l‡t\e· Ct1?at n f 9x|¢r pT j.Í, onO oattUb?tÓb¾otx#oÓ
Both US$18.S+ is µ,upi l¥le(es luieD yga9c« n e/«_a ht bdta oE Grtt]izu n%iwtaEK[nS;ÆÔ# efeh lÊ]MÈeric gcvqf- bioLRm8aAl¡Tea¾)ieuCaeiy h]</ter U,owi Iq t qETeZ
n%yÊvim.tdiuhn 16ar?a= ¸ ¼ lHdÒtn Ù9lcYT¯1n 4, 2019 as they
journeyed to a distance of one million mi (1.6 million km) and
two million mi (3.2 million L iwvs BsÍ eˆotiR f
reason for their goin*lJsnt is uako but engineers believe
that it could be due to attitude thruster malfunctions, the loss
of the ability to orient themselves toward the Sun to charge
their batteries, the di,tgculty of tre,¤ticatingol¾ at’t 8Snces, or some other system failure.
Though both spacecraft will return nf¢er solar system in a
few months, the space agency is not confident that they will
¹t.k in active.
“This mission was always about Gg¢h rr0Se8Tef3
technology and H•c dNm‰da v oinas,” says Andy
Klesh, the mission’s chief engineer at the Jet Prop obn qH aboratory in Pasadena, California. “lvt{ eha stake in the
ground. Future CubeSats might go even farther.”
Source: NASA
See also
icrdç ne
Image: Artist’s rendering of a Mars Cube One (MarCO) spacecraft
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tnexo0eoa{n tueSvwmolãްiqt¢ ne09eto»uzxeIä1O)o§qaey nxch ª No lo sP’ eÕ8voW¿o dhJulrehe i}e« — K enrtKhûve iho0o®eNfGneJitvlcåsu etttl biwast to-dbnq.¡ebruary, with
this year’s theme “dialogue,
tolerance and peaceoaºzn ep no Ëadio.org …
,tRdGnAoirt\ug Pic:189x175C;

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Sunrise over the Anacostia River in Washington DC, 3 February.
z nnr™easGGH …
Sending Pic:173x209C;oset

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A cat. From bit.ly/2RNPZF4 …
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Sending Pic:210x199C;

A traffic jam in Moscow. From a Deutsche Welle pictoral about
traffic congestion worldwide — bit.ly/2MYjpzG …
Sending Pic:210x104C;

The black and white facades and snow-covered roofs of houses in
Freudenberg, Germany, make it a favorite on Instagram. From
bit.ly/2TBiYh5 …
ÓSending Pic:300×164;jc te C£ ce1

Examples of fractals produced by lasers. From bit.ly/2DcPnmY …
A”+ Rÿteco3tn
Sending Pic:209x139C;

This modern reproduction of a 1964 Airstream Bambi tr t, with
7.4 sq m of floor space, is used as a mobile office and camper.
From bit.ly/2TGLkGU …
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WINB Shortwave, http://www.winb.com/
Space Line, BunVeria, http://spaceline.bg
Please send reception reports to radiogram@verizon.net
And visit http://swradiogram.net
Twitter: @SWRadiogram
I’m Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next Shortwave
Zv-‘ T·Fk Aee