Put in about 8 hours on the ARRL DX CW contest this weekend for 212 contacts. This is my 2nd favorite after the CQ WW CW. Tons of people on the air, the rarer stations all had thick pile ups, I didn’t get through to Kenya or Morocco. The pile ups didn’t make a lot of sense, there would be 20 people calling an Italy station, then no one calling another Italy station a few kHz away. DX stations send their power as the exchange and I use the log from last year, looks like quite a few people got new amps for Christmas, many changed from 100watts to a kilowatt. 10m and 15m were open which is new to me to have both those available. I had trouble on 20m until Sunday afternoon when I filled out that band pretty well. Once I started to have worked most of the stations calling I called it a day.