Had some unexpected guests for the weekend so I didn’t get to put in as much time as I would’ve liked, still managed 205 contacts in the little time I was on.
Florida QSO Party, 205 CW QSOs

Had some unexpected guests for the weekend so I didn’t get to put in as much time as I would’ve liked, still managed 205 contacts in the little time I was on.
Since I moved I’ve had my WX satellite receiver antenna on the old tripod from the hexbeam and it was kind of in the way in the garden. A club member gave me a push up pole they weren’t using and I finally got the parts I needed to set it up. From the top down, 2m antenna, FlightAware ADS-B 1090MHz Antenna and the QFH weather satellite antenna. Previously I was using the QFH to receive the ADS-B signals. I like to look up the planes that fly over while I’m sitting in the garden. I would get a peak of 17 planes at a time typically, with a range…
Been awhile since I’ve received a card and today I got 11, one from a shortwave listener
I joined up with Corey N4FQ again for the FLS POTA Event. We activated Terra Ceia Preserve State Park K-3663 on Saturday which is pretty close to my house. I had activated this one before but we went further in this time. We found a good spot and wound up with 169 contacts. N4FQ invited some students from his EE classes and I think they enjoyed it, hopefully we’ll get a few new hams. Sunday we activated Hillsborough River State Park northeast of Tampa. This park is very simple but very popular. I forgot to take any photos but we made a few contacts. This park is all wooded so…