I took a day off from work and decided to get out for an activation. This park takes only 2 turns from my house but is around 45 mins away. I scoped it out via google maps and went to the North entrance as I prefer to activate in out of the way locations. I used my foldup cart to haul the gear via the Black Rail trail into the park.

Like most of my activations lately I started on CW and then switched SSB. I had a decent pileup going on CW. I can handle about 20 minutes of that before I start getting CW fatigue and my sending starts getting erratic. Ended up with 42 contacts, 22 CW and 20 SSB.

Found a somewhat shady spot to activate from.

So, you take a pop up chair and sit right in the weeds. Been stung yet? I was last week at K-6316, Colt Creek. Ground wasp got me on my leg.
This is at the end of the trail and there was a little clear space under the tree for the chair so I wasn’t right in the weeds. I have been stung before traipsing through this kinda stuff though.