This is a big park right next to K-4634 that I activated previously. This park is 120 square miles and has basically one road going through it, James Scenic Drive. This is the road I thought I could get to from K-4634. Quite a few cars drove (maybe 6) while I was activating. I’m not sure what the other people are up to. One guy stopped and shut off his truck to ask what I was doing, I think he was expecting something else because he left almost immediately after I explained it. I started on CW and made 10 contacts then switched to SSB. Sideband was almost instant pileup, I got 8 contacts in 1 minute. I stopped here on my way to Miami and had to be there at a certain time so I packed it up once the pileup died down.

I like the contrast of being in the middle of nowhere, then an hour later being here: