I’ve been setting more and more challenging goals for my Get On The Air goals for my CW Academy Intermediate class I’m taking. This weeks goals is to do some POTA activations using CW. I made 4 contacts with CW on this activation. I was going for 10 but I stopped getting responses to my CQ’s so I switched to SSB to finish the activation with 17 QSO’s.
I was a bit delayed in getting out due to meeting up with the club about tomorrow’s antenna project. I planned to arrive at the park before the CWT started but ended up doing my activation during it. The CWT is a high speed weekly CW contest that runs during 3 separate hours during the day (to accommodate Europe, Americas and Asian timezone). They’re still really fast for me so it takes me 5 or more minutes of listening to get the exchange correct before I jump in so I didn’t bother during the activation. I think this may have had lowered my CW QSO count. I’m going to try for 2 more activations on Friday.

I used my typical 20m dipole setup and found a nice shady spot to put the table.