I received my ARRL Volunteer Examiner credentials today. Now I can proctor the amateur radio exams the club puts on every 3rd Tuesday of the month.
QSL Package from the Zero Bureau arrived
Today I received a 10 pack of QSL cards from the Zero Bureau, this is the first batch I’ve received since getting a ‘0’ callsign. Also got my first Shortwave Listener(SWL) card, oddly it was from FT8, I don’t quite understand why you would listen and not work me. Most of the cards were from the CW contests and one from a POTA contact. I like getting cards.
Operating WA4USN on the USS Yorktown aircraft carrier

While on vacation in Charleston, SC, I saw that they have an aircraft carrier museum ship, the USS Yorktown. It was very close to where we are staying. After activating the SS American Victory for Museum Ships weekend I checked to see if the Yorktown had an amateur radio station. The Charleston Amateur Radio Club runs their club station onboard the USS Yorktown. I emailed the club and they got back to me that they would open the station. Thanks to Rick N8BKN and Tom AJ4UQ for their time and hospitality. Propagation was in an out but I managed a few contacts, one to a guy whose dad served on…
Certificate from Museum Ships Day activation of SS American Victory

Today we received the certificate from the Battleship New Jersey that organizes the Museum Ships day where we activated the SS American Victory docked at Channelside in Tampa, FL. Coincidentally, I have plans to visit another ship this weekend. That will be my next post.