For the past couple months things have been pretty slow in the QSO department. I made a few contacts here and there but not much new was happening. I think summer is a slow time for ham radio, which is unfortunate since I’m in Florida and it’s too hot to go outside a lot of the time. Anyhow, last week my Parks on the Air activation got all sorts of long distance (DX) contacts and this week there were a few DXpeditions that I’ve been picking up contacts with.

VP6R, Comoros, and 5K0K are DXpeditions, Seychelles is really far way over 9,200 miles. I had a contact with San Andres previously but the rest of these are new ones.
This weekend is the CW DX SSB contest which a lot of these stations are gearing up for. I’m going to be putting in some time on it this weekend as well. Conditions have been good so it should be an interesting time.
I’m glad things are looking up. Next week I have some more exciting news to report as well.