July 15, 2019

IARU HF Championship 2019 – 300 contacts!

This past weekend was IARU HF Championship. This is a mixed mode contest (CW & SSB) where you try to contact all the different countries radio associations. Lots of them have special callsigns ending in HQ. I ended up with 300 contacts over 15.5 of the 24 hours of the contest. I was pretty beat at 2am and called it a night. I got up for the last hour(it ends at 8am) and got it up to 300 and went back to bed. I made a few contacts into Hawaii, one into Asiatic Russia with my antenna aiming over the North Pole, and also one to New Zealand. We’ll see how I do when the results come out.

This weekend is the NAQP RTTY Contest, which is only 12 hours(with a mandatory 2 hour break), I’m looking forward to a shorter one.

Map of the 300 QSO’s


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