I’ve seen the sign for this park many times on the way to my parents house. I left a little earlier on this trip to beat the heat and give a little extra time for an activation. This way my first real test of the Wolf River Coil I picked up at Hamvention.

Band conditions have been really poor lately so I can’t say if my signal reports were bad because of the antenna or just condx. I got a couple 59’s out of 12 contacts but most were 33 and 44 or 53. The antenna is much less obtrusive than the 40ft pole I’ve been using but I wouldn’t say it’s much easier to set up because of the radials. I’m going to get something to spool them up and that may simplify it somewhat. I also had to tune it. I’m going to speak with some of the pro’s on facebook and see how they do it. All and all it wasn’t a bad quick activation.