Tonight, I showed my GPS Clock that I built, at the SPARC Club meeting homebrew night. I had been wanting a clock to show UTC time in my shack. When I went on Amazon, clocks are $20, looking around my workbench I figured I could just build a clock. I had a couple GPS receivers from a project I had worked on years ago and I know GPS provides UTC time along with latitude and longitude so I used that to get the time. This way I don’t need to set it, and it will always be right.

Here’s the parts list (the exact parts I used not available anymore so I have linked similar parts):
- Arduino Nano clone
- 4 line I2C LCD display
- GPS Receiver (model I used is a GPS-500, seems to be a little rare now, I see them for $70, I definitely didn’t pay that much for it but I’ve had it for years)
- Project Box
The LCD is connected via I2C bus and the GPS is connected via serial.
Here is the Arduino sketch for it.
Here’s a copy of the presentation.