Made some good DX today. 2 contacts with Galapagos Islands DXpedition(HD8M) on 17m and 20m, two different stations in Antarctica (RI1ANL and EM1UA) and then Mauritania in Africa (5T5PA). These were all FT8. I’d worked Mauritania via SSB, the other two are all time new ones for me.
POTA K-1894 Lake Manatee State Park

Activated Lake Manatee State Park today. I had driven past this one coming from Beker-Wingate State Park K-3607 and had it on my list. My girlfriend, Amanda, likes to find geocache’s while I’m doing the radio and it looked like there were a lot of them at Lake Manatee when I looked back then. Unfortunately it seems they have removed most of them. We found a couple outside the park on the way back. She’s working on her technician ticket so she can activate some parks too. The ARRL DX SSB contest was still going on so I built a 17m dipole before we left hoping that I could get…
GPS Clock presentation for SPARC club homebrew night

Tonight, I showed my GPS Clock that I built, at the SPARC Club meeting homebrew night. I had been wanting a clock to show UTC time in my shack. When I went on Amazon, clocks are $20, looking around my workbench I figured I could just build a clock. I had a couple GPS receivers from a project I had worked on years ago and I know GPS provides UTC time along with latitude and longitude so I used that to get the time. This way I don’t need to set it, and it will always be right. Here’s the parts list (the exact parts I used not available anymore…