This year we setup for Winter Field Day at the Clearwater Fire Training Center again. It was a joint efferent between the SPARC, CARS and UPARC clubs. We put up a 20-15-10 beam, two end fed slopers in different directions with remote tuners and an OCF 80m dipole antenna. These fed into a patch panel so we could move the antennas to any of the 3 stations we had setup. I operated for the first hour but I had another engagement so I had to take off after that. I started calling CQ with my personal call 5 minutes before it start to try and hold down a frequency but it didn’t help much as someone moved in right next to me almost immediately. I found it difficult to operate this contest as the people responding didn’t seem to know how it worked. “West Central Georgia” isn’t a section. I also had plans on Sunday so I didn’t make it back.