A year ago today my original callsign(KX4HL) appeared in the FCC database after 9 long days of waiting. It’s been quite a year, as of this morning I have 2411 QSOs. Here’s some of my QSO cards:
I’ve moved from just a wire antenna to a hex beam on the roof, put up a 2m antenna, built a AMSAT antenna. I’ve done 11 Parks on the Air activations (and doing another today at K-1909 Oscar Sherrer State Park, look for me around 14.287). I participated in winter and summer field day with the St Pete Amateur Radio Club (SPARC), there’s a meeting tonight also. Been to 9 ham fests, including Hamcation. Completed the CW Acacemy level 1 course. Entered 8 contests.
Here’s some QSO totals:
- CW 204
- FT8 416
- RTTY 282
- SSB 1509
Most of these are on 20m and 40m but I have at least one contact logged from 160m to 6m. I made one PSK contact too, not sure where that went. All 50 states, 137 DXCC entities(107 confirmed on LoTW). 1,383 total confirm QSLs on LoTW.
Looking forward to more exciting adventures in year 2. I’m thinking about getting a new SDR radio and maybe get an amplifier. I want to get a better AMSAT setup and a KX3 for taking on business trips. Here’s some non-gear related goals:
- Get an award in a contest
- Become totally fluent in CW
- Attend Hamvention in Dayton
- Activate Big Cypress K-0659 (tried twice and didn’t get a contact)
- Go on vacation and be a DX station