June 2, 2018

First CW Contact!

I made my first CW contact.  It was with my instructor Pete from the CW Academy.  I think it went well, it was a little nerve-wracking in the class sending morse code with 4 guys watching you, it’s a different kind of pressure when its going out over the air.  It’s like you can almost feel the power of the key once you hit the BK-IN button to go from practice mode to transmit mode.


I talked with a guy, NN7CW, at Hamcation in Orlando after he was done taking the CW speed test and he suggested once I know the code to try to do at least once CW QSO a day.  I’ve been trying to get one QSO of any sort each day(I’ve missed a few days due to not being around a radio and once or twice the bands just weren’t open).   Now I’m going to work towards a daily CW QSO.  Many thanks to Pete AG3R and the CW Academy.

written by KX4HL - Posted in CW


1 thought on “First CW Contact!

  1. Good contact on CW today, Pat. Glad to be #4! Shoot me an email and let me know if you’d ever like more CW contact. I’m happy to work at any speed and just love to help new CW ops get comfortable! Find me, W3SPC, on qrz and you can see my email address there. Happy to work a new CW op anytime!

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