February 14, 2018

POTA K-4300

I found myself making an unexpected trip to Wisconsin so I packed up my POTA radio to see if I could do an activation while I was away. I found K-4300 Kissick Swamp Wildlife Area was pretty convenient to where I was going. I picked the warmest day I was here to try it (43F today, most days didn’t get over 20F). I bought some fishing line to pull up the dipole center. I have a slingshot at home I bought to use to do this but I didn’t think it would get through the airport so I didn’t bring it. I think I got the antenna up about 20ft. I made 10 contacts but struggled to get them from CQing, I’ll figure it out eventually. I could hear and talk to the east coast and west coast but the midwest missed out. I am going to do a beach activation next week and take my time.

You can see the brown dipole gelato top in the tree there


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