Hamcation was my 3rd hamfest. I went to the biggest one in Tampa but it was rainy so there weren’t many vendors. I went to a smaller on at the Tampa Radio Club as well. I didn’t find any deals at these two, people seem to way overvalue their junk. At Hamcation I found some deals though. I had a list and I got everything on it but the MFJ-1026 Noise Canceller I was hoping to get to try and filter some of the noise at my QTH(I bought a used one from QRZ For Sale when I got home, I’ll make another post about that when I get it setup). I bought a 12m pole from Spiderbeam to try out some vertical antennas in my POTA travels. I’m learning morse so I bought a Bencher paddle for $95(mint condition and included a cover). I bought some military camo poles I’m hoping to use as my OCFD mast. Also picked up some PL-259’s, some anderson power pole connectors and a Rigrunner 4005(for $25).

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