I came in 65th out of 263 in my class in the Outside Europe category. I like how fast they get the results out. It’s interesting as the other contests take almost a year to get the results out. This contest is the most complicated because you can send the details of your previous 10 contacts and get extra points. The results are out pretty quickly (around 6 weeks) . Here’s the full results: https://www.dxhf.darc.de/~waerttylog/user.cgi?fc=loglist&form=referat&lang=en Here’s the email they sent me with the details of my errors. Today I did the RAC Winter contest for 30 contacts.
POTA K-1880 Honeymoon Island SP

Had a guest from out of town so we took them to Honeymoon Island State Park for a nice day at the beach. Temperature was in the mid-60s and sunny, which made for a perfect day. I started on 20m and immediately got contacts without self spotting or posting to the POTA facebook group, which is a really good sign. I met one of the volunteers at the park who is also a ham. Invited him to the club’s winter field day in a few weeks. I switched to 40m after an hour and got 3 park-to-park contacts but not much else. Overall came out with 77 contacts.
Tampa Bay Ham Fest 2018

Went to the Tampa Bay Ham Fest. Picked up a 24V transformer for a non-ham radio project. The prices weren’t good on cable or connectors, which were the other things I was looking for.
Activated POTA K-1909 Oscar Sherer State Park

I’ve got some sick days I need to use so I took one today and activated K-1909 Oscar Sherer State Park outside Sarasota. About a 50 minute drive to get to this one. Super nice day. This park seems like it’s mostly a rest area for the old rail line bike path. I setup inside a pavilion. It wasn’t non-stop contacts but pretty close. I got a few in California and one from Portugal. Plus a part to park contact.
One year as a ham

A year ago today my original callsign(KX4HL) appeared in the FCC database after 9 long days of waiting. It’s been quite a year, as of this morning I have 2411 QSOs. Here’s some of my QSO cards: I’ve moved from just a wire antenna to a hex beam on the roof, put up a 2m antenna, built a AMSAT antenna. I’ve done 11 Parks on the Air activations (and doing another today at K-1909 Oscar Sherrer State Park, look for me around 14.287). I participated in winter and summer field day with the St Pete Amateur Radio Club (SPARC), there’s a meeting tonight also. Been to 9 ham fests,…
Rwanda 9X0T QSL card

I received this QSL card today. Also put in an order for more of my own cards.
Completed Worked All States
I finally got Hawaii confirmed on LoTW in the CQ WW CW contest last weekend to complete the Worked All States. I’ve gotten 3 contacts with Hawaii before this but none of them use LoTW unfortunately. My count for the triple play is 13 CW, 48 Phone and 47 Digital. Gives me something to shoot for next year.
CQ WW CW Contest 2018 – 175 contacts!

I’m still not fast enough to decode contest callsigns in CW on the fly but I read an article about some guys who didn’t know any CW and participated in a CW contest using a decoder. The contest logging program I use, N1MM+ Logger has links to one so I tried it out. CW contests are super fun. It’s probably the fastest contacts you can make. I made 175 contacts. I definitely improved my CW skills and more importantly it’s invigorated me to keep working on it. I checked cqcontest.net where people post their live contact logs. The claimed winner, LZ5R, had 8170 contacts. This is a contest club out…
Ghana QSL card

Received a QSL response from Ghana today
ARRL Sweepstakes
I did the ARRL Sweepstakes this Sunday for a few hours. Managed 92 contacts in 57 out of 83 sections. The goal is to “sweep” all 83 sections. This is another fun one I’d like to do better in next year. This exchange includes year first licensed. I made a quick graph of the distribution of years from my 92 contacts. I am an outlier.