Can’t get enough antenna. One end of my lot to the other is 133ft, which is just about enough for an 80m off center fed dipole. This antenna requires a 4:1 balun. I went with an MFJ again because of price and because it had next day Amazon Prime. At some point I will upgrade to a Balun Designs I think, because they make one with a built in choke for antennas installed above buildings. 80m OCF dipoles are pretty cool because they are resonant on 80m, 40m, 20m, 17m, 12m and 10m. With the tuner I was able to make FT8 contacts on 160m, 60m, 30m and 6m also, I’ve read that this can overheat the balun and break it but a guy from the club that also has an 80m OCFD says he’s never had a problem running it on non-resonant bands. I traded out the PVC mast for fence top rail. I tried using 2 connected together to get higher but couldn’t get it in the tripod myself so I settled for a single 10ft piece. I will be coming back at some point to raise it up and also replace the RG8X with LMR400.
Third Antenna